Special Education Services
Elizabethtown Area School District provides a continuum of supports and services for eligible and identified students with disabilities within the district, through IU13, and as a part of a consortium through other districts in Lancaster and Lebanon County.
Autistic Support
Elizabethtown Area School District offers itinerant autistic support services as well as two full-time Autistic classrooms (Elementary, Intermediate). Elizabethtown also employs an Itinerant Autistic Support Consultant who meets with IEP teams, conducts observations and social skills groups, and offers help where needed.
Emotional Support
Elizabethtown School District provides itinerant emotional support services as well as runs three full time emotional support classrooms at the Intermediate, Middle and High school levels.
Learning Support
Elizabethtown offers itinerant, supplemental, and full-time learning support services across all levels.
Speech-Language Support
Speech and language support is provided by certified Speech-Language Pathologists in Elizabethtown Area School District. Speech Pathologists target articulation (speech sounds), stuttering/fluency, pragmatic language, expressive/receptive language, grammar, and phonological awareness. Students are seen in individual, small group, or classroom settings. Other responsibilities of a speech pathologist include conducting screenings and evaluations, working with parents and teachers on developing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), consulting with teachers and specialists to implement strategies for students with speech and language impairments in the classroom.
Speech Resources
Psychological Services
Elizabethtown Area School District employs three full time state certified school psychologists to administer specialized tests and to provide guidance when academic, functional, and emotional/behavioral problems develop. Testing will not occur without first obtaining parents' permission.
Gifted Education
See Gifted Education Page for more information
IU Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Deaf/Hearing Impairment
- Blind/Visual Impairment