School Counselors
School Counselors play an integral role in helping our students meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Their guidance enables students to develop socially, cognitively, and educationally and become productive, responsible citizens. The District's counseling staff has important responsibilities, including but not limited to the following:
- Support students as they examine their strengths/weaknesses and likes/dislikes.
- Network with classroom teachers and parents to optimize academic abilities.
- Foster students’ academic, career and interpersonal skill development.
- Act as liaison between the school, family, and various agencies.
- React quickly and appropriately to students in crisis.
Providing direction to the Counseling Department is the District's board-approved Chapter 339 Comprehensive Guidance Plan, which is required by all schools in Pennsylvania. Included in this plan are the services provided to our students, sequentially from Kindergarten to 12th Grade. The 339 Plan includes our mission statement, relevant stakeholders, the roles of the School Counselor, our annual goals, our counseling curriculum and our delivery system. In this document, we highlight our counseling programming that we provide to our students throughout K-12.
To view the elementary, middle, or high school counseling department websites or the board-approved Chapter 339 Plan, click on the appropriate link below: