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Measurable Results Assessment - 2024 (EAMS)

As part of our commitment to fostering a culture of belonging and empowerment, our school district embraces the Leader in Me program—a comprehensive, whole-school/district transformational process. This initiative aims to instill 21st-century leadership and life skills in students while cultivating a culture where every child is recognized as a potential leader.

To assess our progress and identify areas for growth, our District conducts a Measurable Results Assessment (MRA). This assessment provides valuable insights into our school's strengths and areas requiring development. By analyzing MRA data, we can effectively monitor the impact of the Leader in Me program and refine our practices to better serve our students. We encourage all full-time staff members, parents/guardians, and students in Grade 4 and above to participate in the MRA. Their input is essential in ensuring a comprehensive understanding of our school community's dynamics.

The MRA process is completely anonymous, and no identifiable information about students, staff, or parents/guardians is collected. This ensures confidentiality and protects the privacy of all participants. The MRA does provide general results aggregated by grade level and these group-level findings may be shared at public forums such as monthly PTA meetings or with stakeholders including district administrators and community groups invested in our school's success.

Through the collaborative efforts of our school community, we are committed to continuously improving and creating a nurturing environment where every individual can thrive and excel.

Parent Participation
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey (without sharing your name or other identifying information) available through the link provided. The survey is entirely voluntary, but we hope to get feedback from one member of every household. If you do not have access to the Internet or a computer, we will have computers available for you to use before and after school. The parent/guardian survey takes about 12 minutes to complete and will ask questions about your child and their experience in our school. If you have more than one child attending the school, you will be asked to complete a separate survey for each child using the link specific to the building. A listing of all survey questions can be emailed upon request or can be viewed in the front office before or after school.

Student Participation
Students in grades 6, 7 or 8 that participate in the MRA will be asked to complete a 20-minute multiple-choice assessment (no identifying information will be requested or collected) that will be confidentially administered by a classroom teacher or counselor who has received clear guidelines on survey administration and confidentiality practices. Students will privately answer questions about their attitudes and behaviors on a computer at school. They will be able to skip questions and stop anytime they choose.  This will take place April 8-20, 2024.

Student Opt-Out Process
If you DO NOT want them to participate in the survey, please complete the online opt-out form by Friday, April 5, 2024. Your decision to deny permission will not influence your child’s grades or your relationship with any member of our school. If you have any questions about the surveys or wish to see a list of potential questions, please contact your child's school office.

Students who do not wish to participate in the survey or stop participating or whose parents choose to deny permission for their participation will be provided with an appropriate alternative activity (e.g. quiet reading) while the surveys are being administered.

Student Opt-out Form

Opt-out deadline is Friday, April 5, 2024

This form is not currently accepting submissions.