EASD In-Person Attendance Guidelines - Grades K-12
Student attendance will be taken at the beginning of each school day. Parent/Guardian(s) will receive an automated call if your student is absent. Please call (elementary level only) or email your child’s school to provide notification of an absence, indicating that your student is an in-person learner. Written paper excuses are also accepted. Please scan/email any medical or other documentation to your child’s school. If you call in or email to report an absence, you do NOT need to submit anything further, unless you would like the absence to be coded as medical/legal/or other type that will not count towards the 10-day excused policy (= medical note needed for all future absences). Class cuts will be considered a discipline issue at the secondary level and addressed by administration, not towards attendance. Please note, you must follow these reporting guidelines EACH day your child is absent from school.
Phone call, email, or written paper excuse accepted at the elementary level
- Bainbridge Elementary - (717) 426-4203 - BB_attendance@etownschools.org
- East High Street Elementary - (717) 361-0099 - EH_attendance@etownschools.org
- Bear Creek School - (717) 367-0210 - BC_attendance@etownschools.org
Email or written paper excuse accepted at the secondary level
- Middle School - MS_attendance@etownschools.org
- High School - HS_attendance@etownschools.org