Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide safe, friendly, and efficient school bus transportation for all eligible students of the Elizabethtown Area School District.
A Closer Look at Transportation...
- Back to School Transportation Information
- Bus Stop Location, Address Changes, Bus Stop Changes & Schedule Information
- Busing Requests (Alternate Care, Dual Custody & Non-Public Schools)
- Crossing Guard Locations
- Key Contacts
- Kindergarten Transportation
- Lancaster County Career and Technology Center Transportation
- Lost & Found
- Mount Calvary Transportation
- School Bus Safety and Bus Stop Safety
- Transportation Contractor - Krapf Bus Company
- Transportation Eligibility
- Video Surveillance
Back to School Transportation Information
The District will mail bus route information approximately one to two weeks before the beginning of each school year. Letters contain the following information:
- Bus Number
- School Bus Stop Location
- Scheduled Pick-up and Return Time
- Instructions to be waiting at your assigned bus stop ten (10) minutes prior to your child's scheduled departure time.**
**During the first week of school, students should arrive at the bus stop 15 minutes before the published stop time. If the bus has not arrived by the published stop time, students are asked to remain at the bus stop for another 15 minutes. If the bus has not arrived by then, please call your school for assistance. After the first week of school, students should arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes before stop time.
Bus Stop Location, Address Changes, Bus Stop Changes & Schedule Information
The District and Krapf Bus Company work together daily to ensure our students' safe transportation. Safety is also why we do not post school bus routes and bus stops on our website. If you need that information for your student, you must call the appropriate school. The district mails bus schedules to families in August of each school year. Bus stops must be for five days a week Monday-Friday (AM & PM)
For matters related to bus stops, please contact your child's school office directly:
- Bainbridge - 717-426-4203
- East High Street Elementary - 717-361-0099
- Bear Creek School - 717-367-0210
- Elizabethtown Area Middle School - 717-361-7525
- Elizabethtown Area High School - 717-367-1533
Address Changes
Bus Stop Changes
To request a change of location for your child's assigned bus stop, click visit the FORMS SECTION of the website and click on the Bus Stop Change Request form under the transportation listing.
Questions or Concerns
If you have questions or concerns about your child's bus stop, please contact the EASD Transportation Office at While our bus drivers encourage communication and want to get to know their families better, please limit your interactions with the drivers to ensure our fleet remains on schedule. Instead, contact the transportation office.
Busing Requests (Alternate Care, Dual Custody & Non-Public Schools)
Crossing Guard Locations
If your child walks to school, please review the following safety tips:
- Spend time walking with their children and observe how they deal with traffic.
- Choose the route to school that is the safest for their child. Take the same way every day and avoid shortcuts.
- EASD and local municipalities provide crossing guards at several intersections throughout the community. When possible and when applicable, parents of children who walk to school should choose the route where a crossing guard is positioned (see below for crossing guard locations).
- Remind children to demonstrate proper pedestrian behavior. It’s extremely important for them to look left-right-left. Walk facing traffic.
- Pick the place where their child will cross the street. Never enter the road between parked cars or behind bushes or shrubs. Cross streets at corners. Use traffic signals, pedestrian crossing signals, and crosswalks whenever possible.
- Provide children with bright clothing so motorists can easily see them.
Crossing Guard Locations
Bainbridge Elementary School (two locations)
Bear Creek & East High Elementary Schools
East High Elementary School
High & Middle School
Key Contacts
Carla Rieker
Operations Manager, Krapf Bus Company
(717) 547-9525
Kimberly Nickle
Director of Transportation for EASD
(717) 367-1521, ext. 21657
Kindergarten Transportation
The District provides transportation one-way for kindergarten students (to school for morning kindergarten and home from school for afternoon kindergarten). The District does not offer midday transportation. Parents are encouraged to arrange for carpools in the past. If you want more information on carpool arrangements, contact the elementary school where your kindergarten child will attend.
A parent/guardian or authorized individual must meet kindergarten students at the bus stop. The District will return kindergarten students to their school if an authorized person does not meet them, and the school will contact the parent or guardian. The parent or guardian will be expected to come immediately to the school to pick up their child.
Lancaster County Career and Technology Center Transportation
The Lancaster County Career & Technology Center (LCCTC) is responsible for LCCTC busing and contracts with Krapf Bus Company. The LCCTC can be reached at (717) 464-7050 and Krapf can be reached at (717) 615-0667 to discuss transportation matters related to LCCTC transportation.
Pick-up/Drop-off Location at Elizabethtown High School
The CTC buses pick up and drop off students at the high/middle school bus loop (Elizabethtown Area High School)
Mount Joy & Brownstown Campuses
Krapf uses Etown buses E05 & E24 for the LCCTC runs in the morning and afternoon. There are also midday runs (Krapf bus 40) for half-day LCCTC students.
- Morning Run: 7:35 a.m. and 7:40 a.m. (no high school buses arrive later than 7:40 a.m.)
- Mid-day return: 11:10am (Bus 40)
- Mid-day to LCCTC: 11:20am (Bus 40)
- End of Day pick-up at LCCTC: 2:20 p.m.
- The Brownstown students catch bus 500 when they arrive at the Mount Joy campus.
Note: The last LCCTC buses do not leave until all the buses have arrived at the high school.
Willow Street Campus
The Willow Street CTC uses Krapf bus 40 which comes to the high school and goes directly to Willow Street.
- Morning Run: 7:35 a.m.
- End of Day pick-up at LCCTC: 2:20 p.m.
Note: The last LCCTC buses do not leave until all the buses have arrived at the high school.
Non-instructional days for EASD but LCCTC is in session
The LCCTC shuttles still run from the high school, but students need to get a ride to the high school to catch the LCCTC shuttle bus.
Non-instructional days for LCCTC but EASD is in session
- Morning LCCTC: Students will NOT attend the LCCTC. Students may do one of the following:
- If student uses EAHS bussing from home to EAHS, student must sign in at the high school office (prior to 9:40 a.m.) and report to study hall for blocks 1 and 2, then attend classes blocks 3 and 4 as scheduled.
- If student has their own transportation to EAHS, bring a late arrival note signed by a parent/guardian to the EAHS office (prior to 11:45 a.m. then attend blocks 3 and 4 as scheduled.
- Afternoon LCCTC: Students will follow EAHS’s 2-hour delay schedule and attend morning classes at EAHS. LCCTC students will board their respective bus for the LCCTC at approximately 11:00 a.m. and return to EAHS at 2:35 p.m.
- Full Day LCCTC: Students will NOT attend the LCCTC or EASD. Approved day off from school.
School Closings & Bears Virtual Days (Weather-related)
No transportation provided. This includes the LCCTC shuttle bus.
School Delay (Weather-related)
- Morning LCCTC: Students will NOT attend the LCCTC. Students may do one of the following:
- If student uses EAHS bussing from home to EAHS, student must sign in at the high school office (prior to 9:40 a.m.) and report to study hall for blocks 1 and 2, then attend classes blocks 3 and 4 as scheduled.
- If student has their own transportation to EAHS, arrive in time to attend blocks 3 and 4 as scheduled.
- Afternoon LCCTC: Students will NOT attend the LCCTC. Students may do one of the following:
- Attend morning classes (Blocks 1 and 2) at EAHS. Student will then go to study hall for the remainder of the day if needing EAHS bussing home at 2:40 p.m.
- Attend morning classes (Blocks 1 and 2) at EAHS and present a signed note from a parent/guardian giving student permission to be dismissed following Block 1 and 2. Student should bring this note to HS office before homeroom and be sure to sign out in HS office before leaving school.
- Full Day LCCTC: Students will follow EAHS’s 2-hour delay schedule. Transportation to the LCCTC will be provided in the bus loop at 9:35 a.m. and return to EAHS at 2:35 p.m. Students are encouraged to watch for closing information published by Lancaster County CTC.
School Early Dismissal (Weather-related)
The Elizabethtown District Office will inform CTC campuses of the District’s early dismissal. Buses will bring EAHS students back to EAHS to board buses for home.
EASD In-service Days
EASD buses don’t run on in-service days. The LCCTC shuttles still run from the high school, but students need to get a ride to the high school to catch the LCCTC shuttle bus.
EASD Scheduled Early Dismissal Days
There is a LCCTC bus that will take students back to the high school at the end of the LCCTC's full school day. These students have to find a ride home.
Lost & Found
Mount Calvary Transportation
Shuttle buses have been set up for Mount Calvary Christian School (MCCS) students. They are set up as follows:
Mount Calvary MAIN Campus
AM Busing:
- Students either walk or ride a high/middle school bus to the high/middle school bus loop.
- Students will wait for Bus E02 to arrive and then board E02.
- Once all students arrive, Bus E02 will drive to MCCS.
PM Busing
- Bus E02 will pick-up the MCCS students at MCCS.
- Bus E02 will drive to the high/Middle School bus loop.
- Once at the school, students will board their PM bus and go home.
Mount Calvary WEST Campus
AM Busing:
- Students either walk or ride a high/middle school bus to the high/middle school bus loop.
- Students will wait for Bus E11 to arrive and then board E11.
- Once all students arrive, Bus E11 will drive to MCWC.
PM Busing
- Bus E11 will pick-up the MCWC students at MCWC.
- Bus E11 will drive to the High/Middle School bus loop.
- Once at the school, students will board their PM bus and go home.
School Bus Safety and Bus Stop Safety
Safety is of prime importance for our students as we transport them to and from school and for school sponsored activities. Safety requires the cooperation of students, parents/guardians and school personnel. Parents/guardians should review and discuss school bus rules with their child/ children in an effort to help them understand and assume responsibility for good school bus conduct.
- The use of bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. The District may deny this privilege if the student's conduct jeopardizes the safety of others or is otherwise undesirable.
- All school rules apply while on the bus. Bus Conduct Reports are used to communicate inappropriate behavior to a student’s school principal.
- Video and audio cameras are in use on every bus.
- Students may only use the school bus and designated stop assigned by the Transportation Department.
- Students should arrive at their designated bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
- Students will be responsible for their behavior while at the bus stop. Please respect the property rights and privacy of others who live at or near the bus stop. For your safety, do not play on the road.
- Students must enter the bus one at a time and go directly to their assigned seats without delay, crowding, or pushing. Students are to remain seated for the entirety of their ride.
- The bus driver and/or school principal may adjust assigned seats at any time.
- Students must sit facing forward, keeping the aisle clear at all times. Backpacks, lunch boxes, musical instruments, sports equipment, or any other items must be held on the student’s lap or be secured in an empty seat. If this cannot be accomplished, the item is not permitted on the bus.
- Students that live on the opposite side of the roadway from where the bus picks up or drops off should cross 10 feet in front of the bus once the bus has come to a complete stop and has activated its signals. Exiting students should cross the road immediately while the bus has stopped traffic. Always look left, right, and left again prior to crossing the street.
- Keep head, hands, and feet inside of the bus. Do not throw anything out of the window.
- Help keep the bus clean. No eating or drinking at any time on the bus. No littering, please.
- No loud conversations, unnecessary noise, inappropriate and disrespectful language (profanity), or gestures are permitted. Please use a quiet, conversational tone of voice.
- Keep your hands to yourself. No hitting, pushing, spitting, biting, tripping, rough behavior, bullying, throwing items, or affectionate displays of emotion are permitted at any time.
- Report graffiti, broken, and/or vandalized items to the bus driver as soon as possible. Damaging the bus will result in the student being charged for its repair. No tampering or touching of bus equipment is permitted. Never sit in the driver’s seat.
- Interaction with vehicles behind or beside the bus is not permitted (gesturing, etc.).
- Use of electronic devices is a privilege. Concerns linked to student use of electronic devices may result in the loss of such privileges for any student. Filming videos and taking pictures is not permitted on the bus.
- Any item that may distract the driver’s attention from the road is not permitted on the bus.
Student Behavior/Discipline Concerns
Failure to abide by the School Bus Safety Guidelines may result in school personnel issuing one or more of the following consequences:
- Verbal warning.
- Change in seat assignment (at discretion of the Bus Driver or other Elizabethtown Area School District staff).
- Written School Bus Conduct Report.
- Written notification from the school vehicle driver to the building Principal/Designee and the parent/guardian.
The school principal/designee determines which disciplinary step(s) will be taken in response to the report. Parent/Guardian cooperation is greatly appreciated in addressing student behavioral issues that occur on Elizabethtown Area School District Vehicles. For matters relating to student behavior/discipline concerns, please contact your child’s school principal:
- Bainbridge - 717-426-4203
- East High Street Elementary - 717-361-0099
- Bear Creek School - 717-367-0210
- Elizabethtown Area Middle School - 717-361-7525
- Elizabethtown Area High School - 717-367-1533
Bus Stop Safety
Students are reminded they should be waiting at their assigned bus stop five minutes before the bus's scheduled arrival. Parents are responsible for assuring their children get to and from the bus stop safely and monitoring their children while waiting for the bus. Please make sure they remain at least ten feet from the roadway at all times.
Transportation Contractor - Krapf Bus Company
The Elizabethtown Area School District contracts with Krapf Bus Company (270) 823-0812 to provide its transportation services. Krapf has been providing safe, reliable student transportation since 1942. Krapf is one of the largest private providers of contracted school bus transportation in the nation, with operations in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and New York.
Transportation Eligibility
Students residing within the Elizabethtown Area School District that meet the following conditions may be eligible for transportation services to and from the students primary home address:
Primary Residency must be established through the Pupil Services Office - Central Registration.
- Please CLICK HERE for detailed information about the registration process.
Eligible students will receive transportation services assigned by the student's primary home address:
- No exceptions to this policy will be permitted for child care purposes.
Walking Distances
- Walking distances have been set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and begin where the driveway for a residence meets the public roadway.
- Students may still be required to walk up to 1.5 miles to an elementary or secondary school bus stop.
- Walking routes may or may not have sidewalks present along portions of their route.
Elementary Students (Grades K – 6):
- Who live more than 1 mile from their attending school.
- Who live in a walking area (one mile or less) (1 mi. or less) that has been declared hazardous by Penn DOT.
Secondary Students (Grades 7 – 12):
- Who live more than 1.5 miles from their attending school.
- Lives in a walking area (1.5 mi. or less) that has been declared hazardous by Penn DOT.
Non-Public School Students:
- Who attend a non-public school that is located ten (10) miles or less by paved public roadway from the Elizabethtown Area School District border.
- Transportation services are only provided to and from a student's District residence(s).
- The Elizabethtown Area School District is required to adhere to the calender's, start times, finish times and scheduled early dismissal dates when transporting students to Non-Public Schools.
Video Surveillance
District vehicles, including school buses, may be equipped with digital video recorders (DVRs) and cameras so the District can pinpoint issues or concerns and, when warranted, take appropriate disciplinary action. Audio/Video recorders can be a deterrent against acts of misconduct, thus providing a safer environment for students, drivers, and the motoring public. Although DVRs and cameras will be in most buses, they may or may not be recording when individuals are on board the vehicle. The District may use audio/video recordings capturing misbehavior at conferences with parents/guardians as evidence for disciplinary action. A video recording is not required to support a school bus conduct referral written by any district employee.