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Student Support Center


GRADUATING SENIORS: Click here to learn how to take your school emails and files with you when you graduate. Keep in mind that these steps must be followed prior to June 30 of your graduating year. The district senior accounts will be disabled on June 30.  

internet safety banner


Students Login to Chromebooks:

Students use their district technology account to log into Chromebooks. View the tipsheet here to see the login screen and steps.    

Students Login to Clever SSO:

Clever SSO Icon

Clever is a Single Sign On System that allows students to log in to one site, Clever, to access many online instructional resources, as well as links to many other instructional websites directed by their teachers.  

Students using a district Chromebook will automatically be logged in to Clever when they login to their district Chromebook. If already logged into the Chromebook and need to access Clever, students should click the "Home" button in the address bar.


Students may also type the following url into your web browser's address bar:  

TIPSHEET: View this instructional tipsheet showing how a student will log in to Clever on a district Chromebook, a district iPad, or a personal computer.

Technology Accounts for Students

Every EASD student is issued a district technology account that allows them to log into district computers and access various software to which the district subscribes. It is understood that students agree to the EASD Appropriate Use of District Technology Policy 815 which states the terms for appropriate student use and also states that students will not share usernames and passwords to access district technology hardware or systems.   


Each EASD student receives a district username that is unique to them. Student usernames typically are comprised of the first name, middle initial and last name, for example, john_b_smith.  This is not always the case since the username cannot exceed 18 characters. In that instance, the username is shortened by using only the first initial, middle initial and the last name, for example, j_b_smith.   

Usernames vs. Email Addresses:

Student email addresses are comprised of the student's username along with "" added to the end of it.

  • Username: john_b_smith
  • Email address:

Chromebooks: 1/1 Personalized Learning  

Students in grades 1 through 12 use Chromebooks for instructional purposes. Students are responsible for their Chromebooks. Learn about Chromebook care, best practices for security, and where to find technology support through the Chromebook packet. Also, refer to the EASD One-to-One/Personalized Learning section on the district website for complete guidelines.    

District Email Through Gmail

To log in to your student district email account, access through Clever SSO as described above or open a new browser tab and enter "" (without quotes) into the address bar. Change the user type to "Student" and enter your district username and password to log in. Click here to view Google's Gmail Cheat Sheet

New Students:

  • Contact their teacher or guidance office to find out their district login credentials.
  • Contact their teacher when having issues logging in to district systems.
  • Students in grades 6 through 12 may view report cards and progress reports, daily attendance and building announcements through the Sapphire Community Portal.
  • Secondary students submit course requests for the following school year through the Community Web Portal during January of each year.
  • Community Portal accounts are created automatically for students as they enroll and they use their district username and password to log in.

Software Accounts:

EASD subscribes to online software programs that supplement coursework and increase learning. When a student's district technology account is created, accounts are created within the various software programs depending on their grade level. Students will be directed by their teacher if they need to log into one of these software applications. Teachers will provide instruction on how to access and use it. The software includes but is not limited to:  

  • Exact Path
  • Google Apps (Gmail and Google Drive)
  • IXL
  • Keyboarding Without Tears
  • NoRedInk
  • Schoology
  • Study Island 

Finding Technology Help

Please contact your teacher for help with any technology system that they are directing you to use. If you require further help, please submit a tech request to the Department of Technology Services through IncidentIQ, which can be accessed through Clever SSO or entering the following address into your web browser

Accessing IncidentIQ:

Log in with your district Google account. 

Email Confirmation: 

Once your ticket has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email in your district email account (click the "Gmail" link in Clever SSO or go to "" and log in with your district login credentials). All communication regarding the issue will be through the ticket. You will receive emails with a log of your notes and the technician's notes. 

Adding notes into ticket: 

Please log back in to IncidentIQ to answer any questions or add additional notes and information in to the ticket. Click on the ticket in the Dashboard or in "Tickets" / "Open Tickets." Type your comment in the Comment field. When the note is submitted the technician assigned to the ticket will receive an email to alert them that the ticket was acted on.

How to Use IIQ:

  • Tipsheet: shows how to create a new ticket and shows a sample new ticket email notification.
  • Tipsheet 2: shows how to add a comment, attach a file, view ticket activity and find attachments from technicians
  • Tutorial (9:14 min): gives an overview of the IIQ interface and how to create a ticket, search for submitted tickets and find the Knowledge Base.

Graduating Seniors and Students Leaving the District

After graduation or withdrawal from the district, seniors and students who leave will no longer have access to Google Drive files or student emails.  The Department of Technology Services recommends that if you have an interest in retaining your files, follow the directions below prior leaving or prior to June 30 of your graduating year because senior accounts will be disabled then:


  1. Gmail Contacts: Export district contacts and import into a personal email account
  2. Emails and Google Drive files: Use Google Takeout to transfer your content. Click here to learn how.

  Need Additional Help?   Open a support ticket through IncidentIQ.   

Need Additional Help?