Technology Services
The Elizabethtown Area School District is committed to using technology as a tool in the classrooms to support student learning. Whether it is supporting proficiency plans, improving communication or boosting learning, technology plays a critical role in the delivery of instruction in Elizabethtown Area schools.
Technology in education allows for:
- visual learner engagement
- creative & critical (higher-order) thinking
- differentiated instruction
- active student involvement
- collaboration among classmates
- global communication and collaboration
- continued participation in education outside of the school day and school walls
The district's technology department oversees not only the district’s network and infrastructure, but also is charged with focusing the department’s efforts on ensuring that the technology being integrated into instruction is both reliable and effective.
The department is structured to provide an increased focus on academic support and technology integration. A District Technology Trainer and teachers in each building who help support the ongoing integration needs of their peers are included.
For matters relating to technology including but not limited to the district's website, local media coverage, district publications,and information on the district, contact Ted Cardwell, Director of Technology, at (717) 367-1521.