Social and Emotional Wellness
The Elizabethtown Area School District understands that students come to school with different motivations for their learning experience as related to their level of engagement, behavior, and academic performance. We desire to make a connection with every one of our students to bring out the best in them. As such, EASD employs numerous Social Emotional Learning (SEL) philosophies K-12 to address the diverse social, economic, emotional, and family backgrounds of our students. Social and emotional learning is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (
The following is a list of SEL resources specific to the practices of the Elizabethtown Area School District. If you need further assistance, please contact your child’s School Counselor by email or complete this form and a School Social Worker will respond to you directly Request to speak with a School Social Worker.
- School Counselor Contact Information by Building
- Speak with an EASD Social Worker Request Form (Visit the FORMS SECTION of the website and click on the Speak with an EASD Social Worker Request Form under the General Forms listing.
- Mental Health Resources
Leader in Me
This program is currently implemented in grades K-12 at the Elizabethtown Area School District. The intent is to create well-rounded learners be developing the whole-person and preparing students to become life-ready leaders (
Visit to explore how SEL and mental health are related to positive learning.