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Armed Forces Ready

The military can offer a challenging and rewarding career option for students wanting to serve their country. As such, the Elizabethtown Area School District employs a multi-pronged approach to support students interested in a military career. Student preparation begins with our curriculum, designed to provide students with all the core studies needed for a military career: science, world languages, math, English, and social studies.

The District also offers students a chance to take part in the Navy National Defense Cadet Corps (NNDCC) program, an opportunity to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, and meetings with local recruiters. Additionally, since military enrollment can begin as early as seventeen, high schoolers can graduate early to begin their career in one of the six branches of the armed forces.

For questions about the Armed Forces Platform, contact Dr. Nate Frank, Curriculum and Federal Programs Coordinator, by email at or by phone at (717) 367-1521.

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