Teacher Resources
English Language Development (ELD): ELD is a required component of all language instruction educational programs (LIEPs). ELD takes place daily throughout the day for ELs and is delivered by both ESL teachers and non-ESL teachers. ELD must be incorporated into all classes taught by non-ESL licensed teachers in which ELs are enrolled. These teachers are responsible for deliberately planning and incorporating language instruction as well as supports, modifications, and accommodations needed to allow ELs to access the standards to which the course is aligned. Tools for planning instruction for ELs are provided below.
PA ELD Standards
Link to resource: PA_ELD_Standards_July2017.pdf
English Language Development Standards comply with federal requirements for standards-based instructional and assessment planning for ELs. Standards focus on social and instructional language, including productive and receptive language skills.
Documenting Accommodations by Proficiency Level
Link to resource: Documenting Accommodations by Proficiency Level
Elizabethtown Area School teachers are required to give examples of how they provided accommodations for each EL based on proficiency level (via Google forms) to align with the BEC. Below are accommodations required based on language proficiency level to assist you in your lesson planning, instruction, and differentiation.
Reclassification of English Learners
Link to resource: Reclassification of English Learners
An EL must demonstrate the ability to access challenging academic content and interact with other students and teachers both academically and socially in an English language setting in order to be considered for reclassification.
Can Do Descriptors
Link to resource: https://wida.wisc.edu/teach/can-do/descriptors
Descriptors of the four language domains—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—and five levels of English language proficiency by grade level bands. This is a valuable tool to help teachers differentiate as they develop lesson plans.
Ideas for Assessing English Learners
Link to resource: Ideas_for_Assessing_English_Language_Learners_Aug2023.pdf
Open document for specific examples in multiple content areas
More to Explore
Content Area Glossaries
Link to resource: https://steinhardt.nyu.edu/metrocenter/language-rbern/resources/bilingual-glossaries-and-cognates
In multiple languages: math, social studies, English, and science
Understanding Your Students' Proficiency Levels
Link to resource: Finding-Your-Students-Superpowers-Flyer_Aug2023.pdf
Basic Education Circular "Educating English Learners" July 2017
Link to resource: https://www.education.pa.gov/Policy-Funding/BECS/PACode/Pages/EducatingELs.aspx
Colorin Colorado: Teaching English Language Learners
Link to resource: https://www.colorincolorado.org/teaching-english-language-learners
Brief: Creating Inclusive STEM Learning Environments
Link to resource: Creating_Inclusive_PreK12_STEM_Learning_Environments_Aug2023.pdf
PA ELD Portal
Link to resource: https://pdesas.org/Page/Viewer/ViewPage/62/
Free Literacy Resources: An Ultimate Guide! (with special thanks to Valentina for this one!)
Link to resource: https://www.titlemax.com/articles/ultimate-guide-to-free-reading-and-literacy-resources/?scrlybrkr=4e19890e
Pics 4 Learning
Link to resource: http://www.pics4learning.com/
Visual Dictionary Online
Link to resource: http://www.visualdictionaryonline.com/