High School Curriculum
AGRICULTURE curriculum by course offerings:
- 700 - Introduction to Agricultural Education
- 720 - Wildlife Management
- 721 - Agricultural Mechanics Curriculum Guide and Scope and Sequence
- 723 - Agricultural Mechanics and Engineering
- 725 - Aquatic Resources Curriculum Guide and Scope and Sequence
- 726 - Animal Science and Management
- 764 - Introduction to Agribusiness Fundamentals
- 765A - Pre-Veterinary Science
- 770 - Greenhouse Management and Landscape Design
- 782 - Equine Science Curriculum Guide and Scope and Sequence
ART curriculum by course offerings:
- 802 - Foundations of Art
- 803 - Graphic Design II
- 806 - Painting and Color Concepts I
- 807 - Painting and Color Concepts II
- 808 - Painting and Color Concepts III
- 809 - Artistic Crafts and Fibers
- 814 - Drawing and Composition I
- 815 - Drawing and Composition II
- 816 - Drawing and Composition III
- 819 - 3-D Design I
- 820 - 3-D Design II
- 840 - Photography I
- 842 - Photography II
- 845 - Graphic Design I
BUSINESS, COMPUTER & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY curriculum by course offerings:
- 506 - Career and Finance
- 507 - Business Entrepreneurship
- 508A - Sports Management
- 509 - Business Publishing
- 510 - Business and Personal Law
- 520 - Accounting I
- 536A - Management Information Systems (MIS)
- 559 - Financial Investments
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS curriculum by course offerings:
- 101 - English 9
- 105 - Classical Mythology and World Views
- 113 - English 10
- 121 - English 11
- 127 - AP English Literature and Composition
- 128 - AP Language and Composition
- 130 - Introduction to Theater
- 132 - English 12
- 133 - Communication and Literature
- 159 - Yearbook I
- 161 - Yearbook II
- 162 - Yearbook III
- 163 - Yearbook IV
- 175 - Creative Writing I
- 179 - Creative Writing II
- 180 - Speech I
- 187 - Speech II
FAMILY CONSUMER SCIENCE curriculum by course offerings:
- 855 - Child Development
- 858 - Foods and Nutrition I
- 859 - Foods and Nutrition II
HEALTH and PHYSICAL EDUCATION curriculum by course offerings:
- 005 - 11th Grade Health
- 008 - Adaptive Physical Education
- 009 - Wellness and 9th Grade Health
- 011 - Net Sports
- 012 - Lifetime Activities
- 013 - Cooperative Team Games
- 014 - Fitness for Life
- 020 - Strength and Conditioning I
- 021 - Strength and Conditioning II
- 023 - Introduction to Health Services
- 025 - Mind and Body Wellness
MATHEMATICS curriculum by course offerings:
- 209 - Algebra I
- 213 - Authentic Career and Practical Math Applications
- 215 - Geometry
- 217 - Honors Geometry
- 220 - Algebra II
- 222 - Honors Algebra II
- 229 - Honors Pre Calculus
- 231 - Honors Calculus
- 232 - AP Calculus AB
- 233 - AP Calculus BC
- 247 - Algebra III / Trigonometry
- 270 - Introduction to Python Programming
- 271 - Honors Python Programming
- 278 - AP Computer Science A
- 280 - Probability and Statistics
- 281 - AP Statistics
MUSIC curriculum by course offerings:
- N/A - Applied Music
- 900DC - Concert Choir
- 900DG - Band
- 900 DO - Orchestra
- 905 - Music Theory
- 908- Chamber Choir
- 911 - AP Music Theory
- 919 - Electronic Music
NAVAL SCIENCE curriculum by course offerings:
- Naval Science I. Curriculum Guide and Scope and Sequence.
PATHWAYS curriculum by course offerings:
- 965 - Cooperative Work Experience
- 962 - Career Internship
- 963 - Pre-Apprenticeship
- EMT - Emergency Medical Technician
- CNAT - Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program
- 049 - Naval Science I (NJROTC)
- 968 - IEC Independent Electrical Contractors
SCIENCE curriculum by course offerings:
- 299 - General Science
- 311/310 - Biology / Honors Biology
- 311A - AP Biology
- 314 - Materials Science
- 322/321 - Chemistry / Honors Chemistry
- 325 - Honors Chemistry II
- 332/331 - Physics / Honors Physics
- 335A - AP Physics I
- 335B - AP Physics II
- 341 - Environmental Science
- 344 - Mysteries of the Earth
- 345 - Honors Competition Science I
- 346 - Honors Competition Science II
- 347 - Honors Competition Science III
- 348 - Honors Competition Science IV
- 352 - Forensic Chemistry
- 353 - Oceanography
- 356 - General Zoology / General Botany
- 357 - Honors Human Anatomy & Physiology
- 358 - Discovering the Universe
- 359 - Biochemistry / Biotechnology
SOCIAL STUDIES curriculum by course offerings:
- 362 - Geography Curriculum Guide and Scope and Sequence
- 400/401 - 20th Century US History and Scope and Sequence
- 403 - Sociology and Scope and Sequence
- 404 - Pennsylvania History Elective
- 405 - Contemporary Issues: Problems Facing Our Nation and World
- 415 - The Vietnam War and Scope and Sequence
- 419 - AP World History
- 420/421 -World History and Scope and Sequence
- 423A - Government and Economics
- 425A - National Socialism, the Holocaust, and World War II and Scope and Sequence
- 431A - AP US Government and Politics
- 432 - AP United States History
- 433 - AP Macroeconomics
- 435 - AP Psychology
- 437 - Psychology and Scope and Sequence
- 448 - College in High School (CHS) Psychology
TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION curriculum by course offerings:
- 751 - Inventions and Innovations
- 752 - Architectural Design
- 753 - Game Design and Development
- 756 - Electronics and Robotics
- 757 - Design and Fabrication
- 759 - Engineering Design
- 762 - CADD Computer Aided Drafting and Design
- 769 - Multimedia Design
- 771 - Video Production
- 771A - Broadcasting and Digital Media
- 777 - Creative Technology
- 778 - Manufacturing Technology
- 779 - Advanced Wood Technology
- 783 - Construction Technology
- 784 - Energy, Power, & Transportation
- 785 - Technology and Society
- 798 - Guitar Design and Manufacturing
- 799 - Building Trades Pre-Apprenticeship
WORLD LANGUAGE curriculum by course offerings:
- 600 - French I
- 605 - French II
- 610 - French III
- 650 - Spanish I
- 655 - Spanish II
- 660 - Spanish III
- 665 - Honors Spanish IV
- 670 - Honors Spanish V
Learn More About EASD's Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment