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PSSA Center

Each year, the Elizabethtown Area School District is required to administer the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) to students in grades 3 through 8. These standardized tests evaluate our students' proficiency in mathematics, reading, and writing, with additional assessments in science for grades 4 and 8. This year, the testing window is scheduled from April 21 to May 2. Individual student scores, provided only to their respective schools, can be used to assist teachers in identifying students who may be in need of additional educational opportunities, and school scores provide information to schools and districts for curriculum and instruction improvement discussions and planning. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the state assessment system, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's school principal.

Why is the PSSA important

The results of the PSSA provide valuable insights into our students' academic progress and help us assess the effectiveness of our curriculum and programs. It is an opportunity for us to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, both at an individual student level and within our school district as a whole. Therefore, the District encourages parents/guardians to discuss the importance of these assessments with your child and encourage them to do their best.

State-Mandated, Opt-Out Process

Parents and guardians do have the option to opt their child out of the PSSA exams only in cases where there is a conflict with family religious beliefs. The state-mandated opt-out process is as follows:

  1. Parents/Guardians who feel that the assessment may be in conflict with their religious beliefs must contact their child’s building principal to set up a time to meet and review the assessment.
  2. Parents/Guardians must review the assessment on district property and district personnel must be present at all times.
  3. Parents/Guardians must sign the Parent Confidentiality Agreement prior to the review.
  4. Parents/Guardians may not photocopy, write down, or in any other manner record any portion of the assessments.
  5. If after reviewing the test parents/guardians find the test to be in conflict with their religious beliefs and wish their child to be excused from the test, the parents/guardians must provide a written request that states the objection to the Superintendent.
  6. If the student is excused from the assessment due to parental/guardian request, school personnel will provide an alternative learning environment for the student. Opting out of the assessment will not negatively affect the individual child. The school’s participation rate, however, can potentially be negatively impacted on the school’s accountability status.

Testing Windows

  • April 21 - May 2 - English Language Arts (Grades 3-8)
  • April 21 - May 2- Mathematics (Grades 3-8)
  • April 28 - May 2 - Science (Grades 4 & 8)

Important Testing Information for Parents