Assessment Information
Keystone Exams
Keystone Exams are state-developed, end-of-course assessments in designated content areas. Students must demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams to graduate or fulfill one of the other pathways provided to graduate. Students must take the Keystone Exam at the end of each of the Keystone-assessed courses.
Testing Windows
- January 6-17, 2025 - Algebra 1, Biology, English Literature (EAHS students only)
- May 12-23, 2025 - Algebra 1, Biology, English Literature (EAMS and EAHS students only)
Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)
The PSSA is a standards-based, criterion-referenced assessment which provides students, parents, educators and citizens with an understanding of student and school performance related to the attainment of proficiency of the academic standards. These standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science and Technology identify what a student should know and be able to do at varying grade levels.
Testing Windows
- April 21 - May 2 - English Language Arts (Grades 3-8)
- April 21 - May 2 - Mathematics (Grades 3-8)
- April 28 - May 2 - Science (Grades 4 & 8)
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military.
Testing Window
- December 18, 2024 (optional...for interested high school students only)
Important Testing Information for Parents
Civics Knowledge Assessment
In 2018, Governor Tom Wolf signed into law Act 35 of 2018 which requires that all school entities administer a locally developed assessment of U.S. history, government, and civics at least once to students during grades 7-12, beginning with the 2020-2021 school year.
Testing Window
- Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 (dates to be determined)