The 4As
Why are Academics Important?
Mastering the skills and concepts taught across all subject areas is the foundation for a well-rounded education. The basic information taught in various classes is critically important to future educational and career choices. Equally important to mastering the taught content is academic growth. EASD prides itself on looking at where our students are, providing supports and learning opportunities, to take them to the next step and close the achievement gap. As such, EASD offers a strong academic program in grades K-12 that is designed to prepare students not only to move from grade level to grade level successfully but also prepare them to be successful upon graduating from our school system.
Why are the Arts Important?
Providing music, theater, and visual arts experiences have proven to create positive outcomes for the academic, social, and emotional well-being of students. While it has long been recognized that the arts improve academic performance, more recent research suggests the arts promote more civic-minded and socially tolerant students who are better able to communicate with their peers.
Why are Athletics/Extracurricular Activities Important?
Participation in athletic programs has shown to have positive influences on goal setting, character development, healthy living, and learning the importance of teamwork. The link between sports and improved physical, emotional, and social health they have and the positive impact on student learning is well documented.
Why is Altruism Important?
Student participation in altruistic and service-learning projects extends learning beyond the four walls of our school system by empowering students to give back to their community, lead healthy lifestyles, and build the foundation to become productive adult citizens. Research suggests exposing students to altruistic opportunities shapes work habits and is a positive career-ready indicator (Redefining Ready – American Association of School Administrators).