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School Board

A nine-member elected school board, all of whose members live within the school district boundaries, governs the Elizabethtown Area School District. The school board is locally elected and serves as the legislative body for the community. School directors are elected at large on odd-numbered years to four-year terms.

As noted by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, the school board's primary roles are to engage in the strategic plan process as required by the state board of education, set policy to carry out the school board's goals, and evaluate results aligned to the strategic planning process. Essential duties are as follows:

  • The hiring of the superintendent.
  • Adoption of the annual budget.
  • Levying taxes.
  • Establishing the length of the school term.
  • Policy adoption and revision.
  • Adopting courses of study in consultation with the superintendent. 

The Board convenes school board meetings two times a month (typically the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.), except for July (no meeting). Meeting agendas, dates, and minutes can be accessed online through Board Docs ( Community members are welcome to attend the meetings in-person or virtually and are encouraged to provide citizen comments.

Please contact the school board secretary, Becky Maxwell, with any questions regarding the Board, finding meeting agendas and minutes, school board policies, or the meeting schedule. Ms. Maxwell's contact information is as follows: ( or 717-367-1521).